Friday, August 8, 2008

Of Venus and Mars

These two planets are of different nature.

One closer to sun, the other further. But, both are neighbors to the earth.

One is white, the other are red. But, both are spherical.

Both are also, orbiting the sun in the same direction, closer in dimensions and gravity to earth more than other planets, and both are in the inner side of the asteroids rings. Both can be apparent in our sky at certain time of the year or day.

It seems that, there's more similarities could been found between Venus and Mars rather than differences.

But, why on 'earth' are we focusing that, 'Men are from Mars' while 'Women are from Venus'?

There's more similarities between man and women that we are not trying to focus on. That's why those 'Venus' and 'Mars' always find their way to collide to each other, although such an even are unlikely.

The truth is, they are both made to be a compliment to each other, not rivals. Both, mars and venus, were made to complete the balance of gravities on earth, enabling creatures to live in it. Both are circling the sun, to balance out the solar system.

The same goes to us, humans.

It is to be believed, by every Muslims that men were made first, then, women. Is it important who are being made first? No, because both of them need to exist and co-exist.

It is also to be believed, women came from one of men's lower left rib. Is it important who came from who, because both are made by Almighty God, and both can't live without each other.

For some of us who forgot, it is useless to quarrel in regard to this matter. What is more important, we are made to serve a purpose, to obey Him and only Him... much like Venus and Mars.


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