Saturday, July 26, 2008


The saga continues... as opposed to our PM wills to end it.

How could it be discontinued? It involves a lot of Malaysian taxpayers money.

I went thru the net these days and found this:

PM said that the Mercs, or, as local tongue would comfortably say, 'Mechedih', are to be used for guests only.

However, I also went thru the net again and found this:

Isn't that telling you something?

The whole plot of the story are telling you craps. Why?

  1. They bought RM 245k Mercs to replace the four years old Perdanas because of UNRELIABILITY and SAFETY. German makes had been imposed on higher tax by The Government rather than their Japanese counterparts. Huge differences in price, for the same built and quality, I supposed. As I said earlier, Toyota Camry or Crown, Honda Accord and also Nissan would happily replaces the Perdanas if it is for the cheap maintenance and low prices. Go to to verify this.
  2. The Mercs had been bought, all 14 of them to be used without frequent used (for VVIP guest only, right? how often VVIP guests are coming, taking into consideration the state?).
  3. The Perdanas are still in use despite low-safety level and unreliability and high maintenance cost. Thus, the state government, in contrast to cut the cost, had to bear additional cost of maintaining the Perdanas AND the Mercs. Also, there over RM 3.4 Million had been wasted for the cars that barely moves at all.
When taking all of this into logic, my primary school little brother would say this whole story is badly directed than the cartoons he had been watching every weekend's morning.

I would say, the Menteri Besar Kepala of Terengganu is dumber than dumb and very, very obnoxious. Despite what the PM said, he just let the Mercs loose and further dragging the face of the PM down to the earth. It is a good thing then, to know what had God planned to show to us, what he had planned to widen our thought. It is a way God telling us of what will be happening if the stupid people who elected themselves to govern is still there. So, change it.

Here's what Paul Tan, the most popular automotive blogger had to say:

<- The Merc E200k from

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