Monday, August 11, 2008

The Sunday

The last Sunday. It was not like any other sunday, which expected to be relaxing and peaceful.

There's many things had happened, that might spell the major turning point of my life, in very much every aspect. There's a sequences of events, which I had expected and unexpected.


First of all, I had been in feverish state for 3 days straight. I hardly catches fever, and to have it 3 days straight is very unlikely. It was due to the rain, maybe, when I was paying some errands for the Mom's Kangoo.

The feeling of getting better that morning, after fluctuation of high and low feverish states (it always getting worse at night, despite half-dozen of aspirin tablet taken), had me thinking and prepared for the next event, the number 'two'. It's ironic. Ironic but destined.


The second event, might be the breaking point, to where maturity in making decisions were taken to a next level. It was an important one, not the least but not the most either.

But, it took me to a point where, sincerity and patience were a huge matter. Maybe there's no need to rush and never being to relaxed as well. Maybe there's a world that I seems to find. Also, the decision made might not be at the right time, retrospecting the position where the people involved and mine are standing at the moment. It should be in the future, that it is relevant. Let's hope and pray.

However, I failed to be thoroughly frank and detailed about the matter of speak, due to the said illness had affected my hearing, and that hinders me speaking as I should as well. Unlike the other party that involved, I believed. (Though, all of the things that had been franked about is already known. I studied and figured it out already. =p)

Or, it might be that I am not ready to be fully transparent of reasons why the decision was made. There's criteria involves, and I am not the one who do the list, and decisions was made because all the boxes were ticked. My apology to the people affected, I'll promise to make it up later. I had tried not to give any uncertainties what-so-ever, but a tired mind won't think as efficient as it should.

Thousands apologies, I pledged.


I got the chances to widen where my obligations to society and religion. Being with some close friends, whose close enough to be called brothers, out for some brief of the big tasks coming ahead.

Plus, it is a chance of a lifetime, to see where I could be going and to be among those people our kind had admired and longing to become with one day. I am looking forward to the day of the event.

Though, the drive was reviving to the tired mind, and buys me an ample time to think of the event number 'two' said earlier, in a good cruise.


Went back home later at night, after dinner, I got the chance to call mom for no reason at all. I always need a reason to call her. But, it might be because I have so much things to say, particularly about Dad and event number 'two' as well (Oh my, it is getting apparent of how 'two' had affected me).

But, it seems that, sometimes words are filtered in many ways. It was only about Dad and no hint of event number 'two' had been expressed what-so-ever. Maybe it is not the right time, and proven later, it is not. (By the time it taken places, Gebu had find her way down to the lower floors of the building, Luckily, somebody found her!)

By the time of calling, Dad was at the mosque, and wont be back until Isya' was done. It was shocking to hear that, my father was not in good shape, and for obvious reason that is. Which will be told next, event number 'five'.


This particular event had my heart dropped. As it is not ever happened before, my father, while having gastreous stomach, felt that like he had been keeping all his problems by himself, and letting it out only when the right time comes.

The right time, which is the time I had asked to speak to him. It was in a way that, I was listening to 'Father and Son' and 'Cats in the Cradle' songs by Cat Steven/Yusuf Islam when I am speaking to him (both are songs about a father and his son).

He told me that he was sick, to a point where he fell while going out to the market to do some errands for mom. He does not told mom or my siblings anything at all, except to me! I knew this could happened, but not this soon, and I am worried. There's might be reasons, why he had not told mom as detailed, and he didn't want mom to worry.

I knew he was dissappointed with what Sis did/say to him (only for a small matter), but, I had never expected it comes to a point he could hurt himself like that. Luckily, I called him that night. I think I may had lighten up his burden a bit, cured his disturbed mind a little. I think I'd made him realized, he always had a son who he could rely on.

I cried by the hung-up phone, of regret and dissappointment (of my Sis). I cried again later, today, when I told Mom about it.


I was about to sleep, and i heard a familiar Aston Martin Vanquish's V12 beautiful growls coming towards the left ear (my SMS tone, of course). I checked out what's coming, and, not as shocked, a message from 'Lil Sis from Johor. It was not meant for me, it was for another 'Abang'.

Not once, she had this kind of messages mistakenly sent to her real Abang, and as it is had happened before, I directly forward it to Mom. and to a great surprise to her, given a warning message by Mom. Amusing, of her carelessness, and terribly worrying at the same time. If it is to happen again, I'll make sure it will be the LAST.


I had always found that, everything was destined to happen for a reason. Decisions, events, were there for every single reason. God had His way telling me to stop, adjust and look back through the side mirrors. Maybe, it's not time to make a change. Maybe, I should relax and take it easy. Time should tell, what future might brings.

And, time should, if I respect it much.

There's always way to find a way to let things out a bit. I can't keep it in, I can't keep it in, I gotta let it out. Mine is through my writings. As for a suggestion, if you want to sing out, sing out.

But, there's million things to be. I found a cup of 'Sundae' can also help ease 'The Sunday' thing!

p/s: There's always hint of Cat Steven's verses in the paragraphs. Find it out!

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