Thursday, July 3, 2008


A protest, will be heard from about 1 million of Malaysian this Sunday.

Will it be heard from the local free TV stations? nope. Not even the paid one. Once aired, they'll be vanished, just like Al-Jazeera.

It's all about sudden hike in fuel price, gasoline and diesel, at 78 sen and RM 1.00, to RM 2.70 and RM 2.50. What's the fuss? Our fuel price is still the lowest in the region and Asia. For example, Indonesian fuel price is about RM 2.07, and they are nett importer rather than us, the nett producer, of more than 650,000 barrel per day.

There's more reason to hike the price. Our country's inflation rate is too low, and we need to increase it to 7% last June, so that we are better than the rest of the region.

But, will it ever be heard, from the deaf government officials and ministers, that surely doesn't know how to utilize the magnificent brain God had gave them? Nope, they're deaf and stupid to the level of you-know-what.

People are getting broke. Those who had earned RM 2000 per month can barely live and according to recent report in NST, they are considered low-income. Thus, that should made us think, what's left to live with?

Nikko recently had closed it's plant down, resulting 1000 employees strayed with no work, yet family to feed in a pressing environment of price hikes. Will luck turn to their side in near future, nobody knows.

But, if there's way to change it, we must help people who really wanted Malaysia to move from this bloody governance to a better one. How stressed we are to live in a country that never heard from the people, but only from their business bound families?

So, people, change whenever had chances. Move away from pressing governance. Do your part to knock on the skull of those idiots who runs the country like their fathers'.

Update: The rally found to be not a rally. It's a carnival of fuel price hike. Rather disappointed and refused to comment, I let alone the committee responsible for this. Thanks for ruining the chances.

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