Saturday, July 26, 2008


The saga continues... as opposed to our PM wills to end it.

How could it be discontinued? It involves a lot of Malaysian taxpayers money.

I went thru the net these days and found this:

PM said that the Mercs, or, as local tongue would comfortably say, 'Mechedih', are to be used for guests only.

However, I also went thru the net again and found this:

Isn't that telling you something?

The whole plot of the story are telling you craps. Why?

  1. They bought RM 245k Mercs to replace the four years old Perdanas because of UNRELIABILITY and SAFETY. German makes had been imposed on higher tax by The Government rather than their Japanese counterparts. Huge differences in price, for the same built and quality, I supposed. As I said earlier, Toyota Camry or Crown, Honda Accord and also Nissan would happily replaces the Perdanas if it is for the cheap maintenance and low prices. Go to to verify this.
  2. The Mercs had been bought, all 14 of them to be used without frequent used (for VVIP guest only, right? how often VVIP guests are coming, taking into consideration the state?).
  3. The Perdanas are still in use despite low-safety level and unreliability and high maintenance cost. Thus, the state government, in contrast to cut the cost, had to bear additional cost of maintaining the Perdanas AND the Mercs. Also, there over RM 3.4 Million had been wasted for the cars that barely moves at all.
When taking all of this into logic, my primary school little brother would say this whole story is badly directed than the cartoons he had been watching every weekend's morning.

I would say, the Menteri Besar Kepala of Terengganu is dumber than dumb and very, very obnoxious. Despite what the PM said, he just let the Mercs loose and further dragging the face of the PM down to the earth. It is a good thing then, to know what had God planned to show to us, what he had planned to widen our thought. It is a way God telling us of what will be happening if the stupid people who elected themselves to govern is still there. So, change it.

Here's what Paul Tan, the most popular automotive blogger had to say:

<- The Merc E200k from

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Sports car and the Quran

The sports car and the Quran

One day, a young man were getting ready to be graduated from a college.

He had his admiration of owning a sports car he saw on one of the dealer's showroom.

Realizing that he'll be graduated with flying colors, and knowing that his father could afford to buy one for him, he went to his father one night and told him. His father listens, and only congratulate him. Nothing he had said about the sports car. As for the young man, his father silence is considered a consent.

As the graduation day comes, the young man eagerly waited signs of his father giving him the present he wanted. Before the graduation, his father called him into his study room. He told his son of how proud he was of him. Later, he handed a beautifully wrapped gift box.

Soon after graduation ceremony, he opened the gift box and found that it is a very beautiful leather-clad Quran. However, the young man, thought that his father had given him the key to his long awaited sports car, were very disappointed and went to his father in rage.

He told his father of how he is so disappointed of how his father had given him only a Quran and not a sports car as he told earlier. Without giving space for his father to reply or answer, he went out and say the last word to his father;

"I will own the car on my own, Dad. I'll work hard for it. I won't be needing you!" he said.

He left the house and never return.

After he left the house, he did worked hard to earn the money and becoming a very successful businessman and having a beautiful family. After a while, he thought about his father that he left alone, he realized that his father had becoming an old man and he should forget the past and go to meet him and apologized.

One day, he got a mail from his relatives informing of his father illness. Before he got time to go back home, he got another message telling that his father had passed away.

He went back home and cried in regret. His father was buried and all left is the old house.

He went to look at his father old house and found the Quran his father gave him on the morning of the graduation day. While he opened the Quran, an envelope containing a key fell. He took the key and there's a tag read;

" Sinar Automobiles, 27th September 1989, PAID IN FULL"

He was shocked to realized that the dealer's name of the sports car he desired long ago.

p/s: So, the moral of the story is, is your father gave you a beautifully leather-clad Quran, or something similar, to it, and you are very sure your father could buy you a sports car, then check the Quran thoroughly. There's might be a key attached to it.... ngehehe...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The saga begins: 200K Merc vs. Perdana V6 Executive

The first post after being dissappointed with Protes.

In a country, far, far, away.

The corrupted and greedy government lead by example of the great Sith Lord, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi once again proven that they are no longer relevant. In one of the state ruled by their obnoxious leadership, where their poor people are left to suffer from wastage of government funds and money, the leaders are still going for the luxury lifestyles they imagined while campaigning for the power over the Eastern Shore's state.

The plot.

The Big Head Minister (or Menteri Besar Kepala, as called by the Malays) are on firm ground of having a fleet of 14 E200 Kompressor Mercs in their hands. As to stand against those who criticized, he was looking in rage of his stand of having the luxury automobiles bought to get rid the four years old national D segment cars of luxury, the Perdana V6 Executive. He said that it is wasting the people's money of having such cars that need high maintenance.

However, it is told that, the Perdana's manufacturer had never found any reported and evidence that their cars were defective and any warranty claimed. It is not found that, there is such a huge amount of money had been paid to them from the state as said by the Big Head Minister. Nevertheless, they are willing to help if there's problem with the car's quality, but found none of such complaint.

He also added that, the cars were for the reliability and safety assurance of the state's Exco's.

The comment.

Why expensive German cars? If is for reliability and comfort, why not Japanese makes, such as Toyota or Honda? or even some Nissan? and, is the Perdana is too unreliable?

I can name a few cars that should replace the Perdana (if it is soooo needed):

  1. Toyota Camry 2.4l
  2. Honda Accord 2.4l
These cars are waaaaaay cheaper to maintain than their German counterparts.

Why the said amount of money spent is too ridiculous? Over RM 100 grand for 4 years? Is there any 'kebocoran' found?

Why? Why? Why?

So that they can have a good time in their Merc while cruising around looking at their poor rakyat... that's why.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


A protest, will be heard from about 1 million of Malaysian this Sunday.

Will it be heard from the local free TV stations? nope. Not even the paid one. Once aired, they'll be vanished, just like Al-Jazeera.

It's all about sudden hike in fuel price, gasoline and diesel, at 78 sen and RM 1.00, to RM 2.70 and RM 2.50. What's the fuss? Our fuel price is still the lowest in the region and Asia. For example, Indonesian fuel price is about RM 2.07, and they are nett importer rather than us, the nett producer, of more than 650,000 barrel per day.

There's more reason to hike the price. Our country's inflation rate is too low, and we need to increase it to 7% last June, so that we are better than the rest of the region.

But, will it ever be heard, from the deaf government officials and ministers, that surely doesn't know how to utilize the magnificent brain God had gave them? Nope, they're deaf and stupid to the level of you-know-what.

People are getting broke. Those who had earned RM 2000 per month can barely live and according to recent report in NST, they are considered low-income. Thus, that should made us think, what's left to live with?

Nikko recently had closed it's plant down, resulting 1000 employees strayed with no work, yet family to feed in a pressing environment of price hikes. Will luck turn to their side in near future, nobody knows.

But, if there's way to change it, we must help people who really wanted Malaysia to move from this bloody governance to a better one. How stressed we are to live in a country that never heard from the people, but only from their business bound families?

So, people, change whenever had chances. Move away from pressing governance. Do your part to knock on the skull of those idiots who runs the country like their fathers'.

Update: The rally found to be not a rally. It's a carnival of fuel price hike. Rather disappointed and refused to comment, I let alone the committee responsible for this. Thanks for ruining the chances.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

So What?

Salam Alaik/Hi


As it is now, quite a boring and simple activity.

For me, it is just a way to be expressive, since I have none, in the name of talent, have it in words of mouth.

I am, occasionally , seems to inherit my late grandfather's talent. He was a journalist, and having also an artistic hand of Khat.

I wrote, as fluent as I am not in speaking. I am, more comfortably use English rather than my own language. I never lost in the usage of English, rather than when I am writing in Malay. It is, a matter of deliverance rather than being blindly patriotic. I am, respectful of the language as much Malays do.

So, comment if you wish to, and I wish to write in the light of God, who are Most Merciful.
