Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Month of KAIZEN? Is it?


It had always been the month, where people found their way to do things they tought impossible. Prove that man can always do what they had told by their creator to do, and not follows what their heart felt, blindly.

Given that, this month had always been surprising, of how I believed that I am too, found my way doing things I never thought was possible. Especially doing those complimentary worships, despite the compulsory ones.

For the most important reason, this is the month, where we KAIZEN ourselves. Kaizen is a Japanese words meaning Impovement(Kai) for the Better(Zen). This is the month, where muslims were opened for their own self-accelerated improvements. It is a huge room for self purifying, self judgment. 

Those who optimized themselves to this month for do things God had asked or urged them to do, they will have their return, both worldly and in the hereafter. A lot of promises God had given to us, especially freeing ourselves from His hellfire.

Meanwhile, I can't seem to understand, how certain people, Muslimin wal Muslimat, had been ignorant about. Tonight had me surprised. I was not expecting that, I would found anyone (or two) spent the last ten days mingling around, especially those couples. It is sad to see that while others had done many things to grab those opportunities God had granted, there's some without fear, doing those things. It is utter ridiculous.

Five days to go, and I am hoping that they would realized, these kind of opportunities is rare to come and only come once. We never know if it is our last Ramadhan.

Every Ramadhan is unique. Once I thought that Ramadhan 1428 was the most memorable. I'll be missing Ramadhan 1429H, it will always be in my memories.


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